Created by David 3 years ago

Kate was on sick leave after having surgery. It was decided to drive to Kate's house for our weekly staff meeting. Norma thought it would be a good idea to dress up as injured patients, so that Kate would not feel left out. We dressed up in nighties, pyjamas with a variety of ailments, these included people wearing neck collars, slings, bandaged eyes, head and arms. This was funny, however Norma turned it into the hysterical by filling an incontinent bag with tea and strapping it to her leg. She also put cotton wool balls down the leg of thick tights, which looked like she had bad varicose veins. Suitably attired we drove in two cars up the M66 receiving startled looks from other drivers. Kate nearly had a relapse she was laughing that much.

Barbara, Christine, Kate, Marie, Maureen, Norma, Pauline, Sue. 

A Bevy Of Beauties

